Friday, January 21, 2011

Muskegon bar sells $1 million lottery ticket; winner unknown

Muskegon bar sells $1 million lottery ticket; winner unknown
"Someone in Muskegon is $1 million richer today, according to the Michigan Lottery."

Funny story.
A few days ago I called the Muskegon County Administrator's office to try to find the county union contracts on the county web site.
I spoke to a nice woman, Lisa, who told me they were working on getting them online and she would get back with me in a few days.

Yesterday I mentioned my quest to a commissioner and was told that "Lisa" was Lisa Chalko who just won $1 million dollars and was on her way to Lansing to pick up her check.

Lisa's not answering her work phone today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that her picture? She can't be a lottery winner, she has all her teeth.