Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vote No on Muskegon County’s YOUTH, FAMILY & COMMUNITY MILLAGE!-----Muskegon Community Events - Posts

(6) Muskegon Community Events - Posts

Vote No on Muskegon County’s YOUTH, FAMILY & COMMUNITY MILLAGE! 
Below is the millage information, what it doesn’t tell you is that it’s a ploy to fund the Sheriff’s office and its overpriced new jail that we were forced to get without a public vote, so the fine people running the County crafted a very ingenious way for you to fund it without you even knowing it. 
If the millage passes the funding will not increase any youth or family services it will maintain its current status quo and reroute the current funds allocated for it to offset the Sheriff’s office 1.7Million deficit and other county functions. 
Attached are news articles on the new jail please do your research and hopefully you to will see what this millage really is about. Below are quotes from then candidate Poulin. 
If you read the part about a public safety millage that will help you see through all of the smoke and mirrors. Sheriff Poulin is no different than the people before him he is just a better con artist.
If elected, he would look for grant funding for special programs in the Sheriff’s department in order to free up more money for the jail. 
But he doubted there was a spare $1.8 million in the sheriff’s budget, either.
“There’s a lot of little things we can do,” he said. 

“It doesn’t really add up to what you need.”
He said the issue would likely fall back on the Muskegon County Commissioners to decide.
“There’s some talk of a public safety millage,” he said
********Please reshare this so the information can get out there.
For the purpose of funding Muskegon County’s enhancement of existing youth programs and for the development of proven youth prevention and treatment programs; family based programs; school based services; increasing the number of foster care and therapeutic foster care homes; respite care; crisis housing; transitional and community aftercare; psychosocial activities; residential treatment; employment services; and assessment and stabilization treatment programming, and/or other youth services and operations pursuant to or authorized by Public Act 179 of 1967, shall the constitutional limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Muskegon, Michigan, be increased and the County of Muskegon authorized to levy a new tax of up to 1.5 mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of ten (10) years, from 2017 to 2026 inclusive? The cost per $100,000 home is $75.00 per year. If approved and levied in full, this millage will raise an estimated $6.2 million in the first calendar year of the levy based on taxable value.
That the general outlook for Muskegon County’s General Fund for the next five years is unsustainable.
Expenditures however are expected to increase significantly due primarily to the Jail/JTC debt service obligations
The consultant’s report recommended that the County explore special millage options to support specific services to alleviate the need for the General Fund to subsidize these operations.
The Jail/JTC debt service payments which were funded by the General Fund starting in FY2017 also represent a significant impact on the financial outlook. For FY2017 and FY2018 the payments total over $1.8 million annually. In FY2019, the payments increase to $2.8 million and continue to increase thereafter.
The largest appropriation historically has been to the Child Care Fund which is approaching $5.0 million. Therefore, the Board approved to place on the November 7, 2017 ballot a Youth, Family and Community millage request asking for 1.5 mills that would generate approximately $6.2 million dollars as recommended in the financial forecast, this millage revenue would be used to fund the specific services associated with the Child Care Fund and eliminate the need for the General Fund appropriation. Therefore, included in the recommended FY2018 budget is a new fund called the Youth, Family and Community Millage Fund. The fund has $6.2 million of anticipated revenues and expenditures which includes an appropriation to the Child Care Fund of $4.8 million.

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