Muskegon County Commissioner District 4
The Muskegon County Board of Commissioners is the chief policy-making body of county government. Its mission is to represent the citizens of Muskegon County and to be responsible for all County services. The board has 9 members, elected to 2-year terms.
James Riley (Rep)Retired financial manager
Biographical Information
Education BS Michigan State University.
Qualifications/ Experience Owned various small businesses, Dir. Marketing medium manufacturing company, financial advisor/branch manager Morgan Stanley.
What are your top three priorities for Muskegon County and how would you address them?
James Riley1. Muskegon county has a statewide reputation of poor fiscal management. Repair the damage by: Addressing and FULLY FUNDING, according to American Academy of Actuaries, the underfunding of ALL the county employee retirement funds. Having, on a regular basis, a public, honest analysis of county cash flow and its ability to continue spending at current levels, pay bond/retirement debt and the county's expectation of future millage increases. 2. Muskegon county has been losing lawsuits at an alarming rate. And refusing to explain, or even admit, what is really going on. We need a regular and public explanation. 3. Muskegon county roads are an embarrassment. The county seems to have no public plan to even discuss this mess. We need new voices on the county board to demand an accounting.
Bob ScolnikCandidate has not yet responded.
What policies do you support to increase jobs and help your residents improve their economic positions?
James RileyEmployers want confidence in the ability of municipalities to keep spending/borrowing within promised limits. Confidence that taxes will not increase dramatically in the near future. Open, honest plans to enumerate and reduce county debt, of all types, will attract companies seeking a county with responsible fiscal policies. Those companies will employ Muskegon county residents, pay taxes and provide services for county residents and visitors.
Bob ScolnikCandidate has not yet responded.
What actions or policies do you support to protect the county’s water, air and land for current and future generations while meeting community energy needs?
James RileyMy understanding is the county is currently doing a reasonably good job in this area. But, the county has not publicly presented its future plans nor its past success/failures in this area. Again, a full public, transparent and regular report to the county's residents and businesses is necessary.
Bob ScolnikCandidate has not yet responded.
What initiatives or policies do you support to help increase tourism and recreational activities in your municipality for residents and visitors?
James RileyCounty parks are in deplorable condition. At Pioneer Park in particular, buildings appear to have had little regular maintenance. Fix county park buildings, promote our beautiful parks and focus on funding current buildings and land. Hold off on new spending for new buildings until we bring our parks up to the level of nearby county parks. Ottawa county is an example.
Bob ScolnikCandidate has not yet responded.
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