Thursday, July 9, 2020

Why Muskegon county needs new leadership at the County Board of commissioners!

The  issues:
1. County finances are dangerously out of control. 
  • Example: Employee retirement plans grossly underfunded, bond debt exploding. Combined total up from: 2002 $24.9 million. 2019: $154.6 million. 620% increase in 17 years! (County budget approximately $48 million/year)

2. County spending is uncontrolled. 
  • Example: "Million dollar bathhouse" at Pioneer Park.

3. County is losing lawsuits at an alarming rate and hiding the losses. 
  • Example: They won't allow us to see any info on lawsuits already settled.

4. County commissioners seem uninterested in spending specifics. 
  • Example: Union contracts (amounting to 90% of total spending) are signed without ANY report of how the new contracts will affect cash flow or pension funding.

5. County commissioners seem obsessed with "trendy" social issues. 
  • Examples: The BLM supported "Racism as a Public Health Crisis" already voted in. "Sanctuary County" being pushed. Planned Parenthood funding on the wish list.

6. County leaders assure us all is well, no need to change course. But outside analysis proves Muskegon county to be one of the worst managed counties in the state. "County fiscal health"-78th out of 82 Michigan counties-Bridge magazine.

7. County policy is to allow people to ask questions at meetings but STATED POLICY is to NEVER REPLY TO NOR ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS.

My FB Group- "Muskegon County Informed-Local Politics, taxes and politicians" :

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